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Reliably Receive Electronic Rule Books & Documents, Quickly Find Content

Always know you're following the right rule with mobile document distribution

Conductors, engineers, and rules teams alike are realizing that paper-based rule books, bulletins, timetables, and operating manuals are hindering operational performance. Paper, ink, and hardware drive up costs that could be saved. The time it takes to distribute the documents takes time for both operational employees and frontline employees that could be better spent on higher value tasks.

As a conductor or engineer, your safety and compliance on the job are reduced when you have to stop a train on the tracks to comply with an update or shuffle through paper to find a specific rule – or worse, operate based on a best guess at a rule.

Our experience replacing paper manuals with electronic documents for pilots and flight attendants in aviation is helping us drive the same transformation in the rail industry.

Mobile Document Distribution Increases Operational Performance
  • Eliminate printing costs
  • Eliminate time spent physically distributing and receiving documents
  • Receive only relevant content for reliable downloads
  • Personalize documents to increase your individual productivity
  • Find a rule or other content online or offline quickly through search; always know you have the most up-to-date information
  • Receive personalized compliance notifications, easily see document changes, and indicate compliance all in one app

Get Empowered to Succeed with Electronic Rule Books

Targeted Distribution of Content

  • Only receive content relevant to you based on your characteristics (ex: title, job function, geography), including documentation from other railroads
  • Search within publications and across collections, online or offline
  • Only receive updated content for reliable downloads in remote areas with weak connectivity
  • Use tags to filter publication sets to just the relevant rule books and content

An Intuitive User Experience

  • User-friendly app with personalized notifications for alerts and compliance
  • Ability to comply from within an operating manual or rule book
  • Add personal annotations, bookmarks, and highlights that are retained across revisions
  • Revision highlights quickly and easily show content updates
  • Always access the most up-to-date content with automatic syncs

Robust Compliance Management

  • Distribute multiple file types
  • Ensure employees have the most up-to-date content with automatic revision control
  • View compliance status by group, manager, and more for insights to improve compliance
  • Instantly generate reports for regulators and auditors

Streamline Common Content Use Scenarios for Conductors & Engineers

Receiving Updated Content Easily
Receiving Updated Content Easily

A bulletin is sent to the train crew's tablets about construction on another railroad's tracks they need to travel on. Without having to copy the bulletin down by hand over the radio, they read the revision highlights and quickly see that the speed limit has been decreased.

Finding Content Quickly
Finding Content Quickly

A crew sees water on the tracks and needs to look up the rule for how much to slow down the train. They search across all their documents for "water on tracks" and find the rule in seconds, without having to stop the train to look for the rule.

Keeping Up With Compliance
Keeping Up With Compliance

Special instructions are sent to a crew, and the organization needs to know the crew has acknowledged receiving and reading them. The crew receives the instructions, reads them on their tablets, and signs off to indicate their compliance, all in one app.

Ready to start distributing electronic rules, timetables, operating manuals, and more?

Request a free demo of our Comply365 mobile app today!