Terms of Use

The Comply365 website and any affiliated websites located at www.comply365.com (collectively, the “Website”) are owned and operated by Comply365, LLC (“Comply365”).

The Website and all content contained or hosted on or through the Website, including but not limited to software and apps, text, graphics, charts, photographs, compilations, databases and the arrangement of data, logos, trade names and trademarks (collectively, the “Content”) is owned by Comply365 or third party licensors; and is protected by US copyright laws, international copyright treaties and state and federal trademark laws. Additionally, your right to use Content, if any, shall be governed by separate express license agreements or terms of use.

You agree not to copy or distribute the Content in any form without the express written permission of Comply365. You agree not to download or upload Content, or any portion of the Content, to any computer or to another website, company-based or cloud-based server or otherwise republish the Content in any format, media or using any method without Comply365’s express written permission. You shall not sell, distribute, license, sub-license the Content, or any portion of the Content, or create derivative works based on the Content, or any portion of the Content without Comply365’s express written permission. Certain Content may be licensed from third parties and all such third party Content and all intellectual property rights related to the third party Content belong to the respective third parties. You may not remove, alter or modify any copyright, trademark or other intellectual property or proprietary notice or legend contained on the Website or the Content.

The Content may also contain one or more trademarks owned by Comply 365 or its licensors. By accessing or using any Content, you agree not to remove any trademark or trademark notice contained in such Content; or otherwise use any Comply365 trademark on any website or other materials you create without Comply365’s express written permission. If you are given permission to use a Comply365 trademark, you must also include the appropriate TM, SM, or ® symbol on the first use of such trademark or a proper trademark attribution notice, for example: Comply365 is a trademark of Comply365, Inc. Additionally, you must use the trademark as an adjective and not as a verb or a plural or possessive word. Comply365 reserves the right to determine the manner in which its trademarks are used and may establish additional trademark usage guidelines from time to time in its sole discretion.

The following chart lists Comply365’s current registered and unregistered trademarks:

  • Comply365™
  • Comply365 Solutions®
  • Document & Communication Manager
  • Content365
  • Standards365
  • Workflow365
  • Schedule365
  • Forms365
  • myMobile365
  • LMS Learning Manager
  • AQP Learning Manager
  • IQP Learning Manager
  • Integration Suite
  • Dashboards365
  • Pathways
  • ProAuthor
  • ProChat
  • Shield
  • Discover365
  • Launch Parties
  • Comply & Fly