Two-way Info Sharing with Airline Forms for EFB

Structuring EFB data with the end user in mind helps them find and act on relevant information more quickly. The same could be said of two-way communication between the Ops Center and end users. It’s possible to not even know that end users need assistance unless you receive real-time information from them.

One U.S airline was repeatedly experiencing tarmac delays when they needed service from third party vendors for common needs such as catering and fuel. This was especially true at their smaller and/or more remote airports.

To resolve this issue, the airline enabled pilots to notify the Ops Center and request immediate attention to avoid a delay. A Tarmac Delay Form on the EFB captured and sent standardized information – in real-time, which expedited the resolution of the issues causing delays. Here are some of the benefits that the airline achieved:

benefits of two-way info sharing with airline forms for EFB

While this is just one real-life example, it shows how powerful sharing information via airline forms for EFB can be for both end users and operations.


Comply365 is the leading provider of enterprise SaaS and mobile solutions for content management and document distribution in highly regulated industries including aviation, rail, and energy. Comply365 supports the world’s most mobile and remote workforces with targeted and personalized delivery of job-critical data that enables safe, efficient, and compliant operations. Every day, hundreds of thousands of pilots, flight attendants, maintenance technicians, rail conductors and engineers, as well as energy workforce rely on Comply365 for digital delivery of operational content, including OEM and internal company manuals. Having played an instrumental role in the regulatory approval of electronic flight bags (EFB) to replace the traditional, paper-based, pilot flight bags, Comply365 partners with clients to transform their industries.
